Phys. Ed. 30 Outdoor
PE 20 & HCSS 2020 (Standard First Aid & AED)
This course is designed for students keenly interested in physical education and outdoor pursuits. The physical education part of the course includes instruction in individual and team sports. The outdoor leadership component of the course centers around developing organizational and leadership skills as they pertain to backpacking, canoeing, mountain biking and/or cross-country skiing. Students must be prepared to spend time in theory sessions as well as taking part in three weekend class trips. Students will be required to participate in three outdoor trips. It will be necessary for some students to supply their own equipment such as tents, sleeping bags, clothing and adequate footwear. Each student is also required to complete 10 school-based volunteer hours for completion of this course. Note - Students will earn 5 credits from the Physical Education 30 level and 5 credits from the Career and Technology Wildlife Program. CTS Modules completed in Outdoor Leadership 25:
WLD1100: Outdoor Cooking Theory
WLD1130: Outdoor Survival Skills
WLD2100: Outdoor Cooking Practice Prerequisite: WLD1100
WLD2130: Outdoor Excursion Prerequisite: WLD1130 & HCS2020
WLD3130: Outdoor Leadership Prerequisite: WLD2130